Localizing field labels for Performance Management

Role: HR Administrator

This section lists the fields supplied with Sage People Performance Management package. Fields are listed by object with:

  • Default Field Label.

    The label displayed in Performance Management unless you have entered an alternative. Labels are used beside fields.

  • A space to enter an override value.
  • Field type with any limit on the number of characters.

To enter an override value:

  1. Go to Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override, or, in the Salesforce Lightning Experience, Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation WorkbenchOverride.
  2. In the picklists select the following values:

    Picklist What to select
    Package Sage People Performance Management


    Setup Component Custom Field

    Select one of the Performance Management objects.


    Select from:

    • Field Label
    • Related List Label
  3. In the list of Labels select the Field Label Override field to open a text entry box:

    The Override page in Salesforce Translation Workbench

  4. Enter the value you want to display in place of a default.

  5. Select Save.