Define a Hiring Team for a vacancy

Vacancies come with the option to add key people - typically an authorising manager, a hiring manager, and a recruiter. These core roles are supplied as an integral part of the Sage People Recruit package. You can also define your own custom key people roles.

The Hiring Team enables you to create, assign, and maintain a hiring team comprising the core key people roles including multiple hiring managers for each vacancy. The core hiring team is accessed through a single related list on the vacancy record. You can view and maintain the core hiring team through the Hiring Team related list on the vacancy record or by selecting Edit on the vacancy details page.

For each role you can define multiple users and designate one as the primary user to receive most of the communications associated with the role. Roles with a sole user and roles with a primary user defined using the Hiring Team are also listed on the Vacancy Detail Edit page where you can also edit them. Use the Hiring Team related list to maintain Hiring Team members who are not sole or primary role holders.

Key people assigned to custom roles must continue to be assigned and maintained through the Vacancy Detail page; these roles are not visible in the Hiring Team related list.

The main features are:

  • A Hiring Team object hosted by the Sage People Recruit package.

  • Access to the Hiring Team object and its fields is inherited from the associated Vacancy, and is controlled by the permissions and sharing rules for the Vacancy.

  • Recruit Profiles include the Hiring Team object and its fields. Your administrator can make sure the profiles used by your hiring team members have the appropriate levels of permission.

  • You can refine sharing access for individual users assigned to the Hiring Team by using the Sharing Access field, enabling you to set access as Read Only or Edit. For key people assigned one of the default roles, Sharing Access replaces the function of the Vacancy Field Sets Share As Read and Share As Edit. For key people assigned a custom role associated with a vacancy, continue to use the Share As Read and Share As Edit Field Sets to refine sharing access.

  • The complete hiring team for a vacancy is displayed as a related list on the vacancy.

  • You can define one user of each core role type as the primary user for that role. The primary user is then selected for communications requiring a single response.

  • If there is no primary user identified for a given role Sage People automatically assigns primary status to the first user assigned to that role.

  • Use the related list to create and edit the hiring team for people assigned to the core key people roles associated with the vacancy: authorising manager, hiring manager, or recruiter. You can also use the Vacancy Details Edit page to view and maintain key people assigned primary status for a vacancy. For custom key people roles, continue to use the Vacancy Details page.

  • Hiring team settings carry through to the self service WX portal; for example, each Hiring Team member defined as a hiring manager receives hiring manager actions through WX.

  • There are edit and delete options for Hiring Team members.

  • Cloning a vacancy copies an associated hiring team.


When first upgrading to a Recruit version including Hiring Team functionality, any key people assigned to default roles - authorising manager, hiring manager, or recruiter - for existing vacancies are automatically migrated to hiring teams. Access levels assigned to key people - read only or edit - are also migrated. You then maintain the key people assigned to default roles and associated with a vacancy through the hiring team.