Reporting on absence trends
A new Sage People org is typically supplied with a number of standard reports on absence and vacation:
- Absence Balances
- Absence by Team Member
- Vacation Days by Month
- Absence by Team & Month
- Bradford Score Report
- Absence by Location & Month
For more information about absence related reports and dashboards, see Absence reports.
Bradford Score Report
The Bradford Score Report provides a view into a team member's absence patterns. The Bradford score is a means of measuring absence, in particular sickness absence. The Bradford score gives more weight to short, frequent absences than to longer, less frequent absences. Short and frequent absences are assumed to be more disruptive to the business.
The Bradford score is calculated as:
Bradford score = (Number of instances of absence) 2 x (Total days absence throughout the period)
The period used is typically a rolling 52 week window.
Employee A has 3 instances of 2 day absences, a total of 6 days, in the last 52 weeks. Employee A's score is 32 x 6, which totals 54.
Employee B has 1 instance of 6 day absence in the last 52 weeks. Employee B's score is 12 x 6, which totals 6.
If your organization uses the Bradford score, you typically have policies determining which kinds of absences are in scope, what is the length of period for which the score is calculated, which are the organization's score thresholds for taking action based on the scores, and what those actions are.
If your org does not have the standard Bradford score report, here is how to set it up:
Go to the Reports tab.
Select New Report.
On the Create Report dialog, from the Category sidebar, select All.
For Select a Report Type, search for "team member", and select the Team Member with Absence History report type.
If you do not have this report type in your org:-
Go to Setup, and in Quick Find enter report and then select Report Types from the search results.
On the All Custom Report Types page, select New Custom Report Type.
In Step 1. Define the Custom Report Type, complete the fields as follows:
Field What to enter Primary Object Picklist. Select Team Members Report Type Label Text. The name you want to display in the report types list for users who create reports.
For example: Team Member with Absence History
Report Type Name Text. Automatically completed based on Report Type Label, do not change without a good reason. Description Text. A description of the data contained in the report type. Displayed to users who create reports. Store in Category Picklist. Select the category you want to group this report type under. For example: Other reports. Deployment Status Leave as In Development until you have finished creating the report type, and change to Deployed when you are ready for users to be able to select the report type as a basis for new reports. -
Select Next.
In the Step 2. Define Report Records Set, for the primary object Team Members, select Click to relate another object.
As object B, select Employment, and define the A to B Relationship as Each "A" record must have at least one related "B" record.
For the B object, Employment, select Click to relate another object.
As object C, select Absences, and define the B to C Relationship as Each "B" record must have at least one related "C" record.
Select Save.
If you want to add or remove fields to the report type, in the report type details, from the Fields Available for Reports section, select Edit Layout, and make your changes. By default, the report type includes all fields from the objects.
If necessary, update the report type's deployment status to make it available for users creating reports.
Select Start Report.
In the Report Builder, in the sidebar select the Filters tab.
Update and add filters as follows:
Show Me: select the filter, choose All team members from the picklist, then select Apply.
Date filter, typically defaults to Birth Date: select the filter, choose Created Date from the picklist, and set the Range as All Time, then select Apply.
Add a new filter for Has Left: in the search field start typing Has Left, select it, leave the Operator as equals and enter
in the text field, select the Locked checkbox, then select Apply. -
Add a new filter for Status: in the search field start typing Status, select the Status field from Absences object, leave the Operator as equals and enter
in the text field, select the Locked checkbox, then select Apply. -
Add a new filter for Days/Hours: in the search field start typing Days/Hours, select it, for Operator select not equal to and leave Value blank, select the Locked checkbox, then select Apply.
Add a new filter for Start Date: in the search field start typing Start Date, select the Start Date field from the Absences object, for Operator select not equal to and do not select a date, select the Locked checkbox, then select Apply.
To filter for specific absence reasons, such as sickness, in the search field starting typing Reason, select it, leave the Operator as equals, and select the reasons you want to include, select the Locked checkbox, and then select Apply.
To filter for absences in a specific tracking period, such as the last 12 months, in the search field start typing Start Date, select the Start Date field from the Absences object, for Operator select equals, select Use relative date and enter a value such as
Last 12 months
, select the Locked checkbox, then select Apply. -
In the sidebar, select the Outline tab.
In the Groups section, select the Groups Rows fields. Search for and select Name Full.
In the Columns section, select the following columns:
Employment Status
End Date
Select the down arrow next to the Columns heading and select Add Summary Formula.
Complete the fields as follows:
Field What to enter Column Name Bradford Score Description Text. Enter a description, such as "Calculates the Bradford score for a team member" Formula Output Type Picklist. Select Number Decimal Points Picklist. Select 0 -
For the Formula, use the fields and functions in the left sidebar to insert the formula so it matches the following example:
CopyFormula for the summary level formula column
(fHCM2__Absence__c.fHCM2__Days__c:SUM) * RowCount * RowCount
Select Validate to check your formula. If it is evaluated as valid, select Apply.
In the top left corner, give the report a name, such as Bradford Score Report.
Select Add Chart.
Refresh the preview so you can see the chart you added. Then select the Chart Properties icon for the chart.
For X-Axis, select the Bradford Score formula.
If your organization uses a reference value, select Show Reference Line and enter the value as Reference Line Value.
When you have finished editing the chart properties, close Chart Properties.
In the Report Builder, Select Save & Run.
Complete the fields on the Save Report dialog and select the folder where you want to save the report. Then select Save.
To display the chart on team members' employment records:
Go to the Team Members tab and select a team member.
Select the link to the team member's employment record.
On the employment record page, select Setup, and then select Edit Page.
In the Lightning App Builder, from the left sidebar, Components tab, select Report Chart and drag and drop it to the right side of the page layout canvas.
In the Report Chart details in the right sidebar, select the Report field and choose your Bradford score report from the picklist.
Select Filter By and choose Employment Record ID. This means the chart on the employment record only displays data for the team member whose employment record it is.
Select Save.