Absence and Vacation | Standard action events

The following action events related to Absence and Vacation are configured by default for Sage People implementations. If you do not want to use these action events, uncheck all recipients.

Notification When sent Recipient Email template
AE0002 - New Absence Request New absence request is submitted by a team member Manager The following absence request has been submitted by <Team Member Name>

 Reason: <Absence Reason>

Start Date: <Start Date>

End Date: <End Date>

 You can review and take action on this request in your Sage People Actions.

AE0003 - Absence Approved When the manager approves an absence request Team member Dear <Team Member Name>,

 The following absence request has been approved:

 Reason: <Absence Reason>

Start Date: <Start Date>

End Date: <End Date>

AE0004 - Absence Rejected When the manager rejects an absence request Team Member Dear <Team Member Name>,

The following absence request has been rejected:

Reason: <Absence Reason>

Start Date: <Start Date>

End Date: <End Date>

Please contact your manager if you have questions.

AE0005 - Absence Withdrawn When the team member deletes an absence request Manager The following absence request has been withdrawn:

Employee Name: <Team Member Name>

Reason: <Absence Reason>

Start Date: <Start Date>

End Date: <End Date>

AE0006 - Absence Changed When the team member changes an absence request


The following absence request has been changed:

Employee: <Team Member Name>

Reason: <Absence Reason>

Start Date: <Start Date>

End Date: <End Date>

You can review and take action on this request in your Sage People Actions.

AE0007 – Vacation New New vacation request is submitted by team member Manager The following absence request has been submitted by <Team Member Name>

 Reason: <Absence Reason>

Start Date: <Start Date>

End Date: <End Date>

 You can review and take action on this request in your Sage People Actions.

AE0008 – Vacation Approve When the manager approves a vacation request Team member Dear <Team Member Name>,

The following absence request has been approved:

Reason: <Absence Reason>

Start Date: <Start Date>

End Date: <End Date>

AE0009 – Vacation Reject When the manager rejects a vacation request Team member Dear <Team Member Name>,

The following absence request has been rejected:

Reason: <Absence Reason>

Start Date: <Start Date>

End Date: <End Date>

Please contact your manager if you have questions.

AE0010 – Vacation Delete When the team member deletes a vacation request Manager The following absence request has been withdrawn:

Employee Name: <Team Member Name>

Reason: <Absence Reason>

Start Date: <Start Date>

End Date: <End Date>

AE0011 – Vacation Change When the team member changes a vacation request Manager The following absence request has been changed:

Employee: <Team Member Name>

Reason: <Absence Reason>

Start Date: <Start Date>

End Date: <End Date>

 You can review and take action on this request in your Sage People Actions.

To make changes in these standard action events: 

  1. Go to the Action Event Patterns Tab and select the Standard Action Events Pattern.
  2. Select the name of the action event you want to edit.
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Select Save.

To amend the associated email templates:

  1. Go to Setup, and in Quick Find enter email, and then select Classic Email Templates from the search results.
  2. From the Folder list select Absence/Vacation from the Folder list.
  3. Select the name of the email template you want to edit.
  4. Make your changes.
  5. Select Save.

For more information see: