Absence and Absence Accrual Balance Reporting

Two batches are available to you for retrieving absence balance data for Team Members:

  • Hold Absence Balances.

    Used for vacation balances only and provides a single snapshot of the current balance. Hosted by the Human Capital Management (HCM) package.

  • Generate Accrual Balances.

    Used for all Absence Accrual Rules with an accrual, producing one record for each rule for each Team Member. Hosted by the Time package.

Comparison of Absence Balance Batch Jobs table compares the features of the new and existing batch jobs.

Comparison of absence balance batch Jobs
Feature Generate Accrual Balances Hold Absence Balances
Where scheduled Configure page for the Time package Configure page for the HCM package
Scheduling options

Select a time for a regular run

Run Now button

Select a time for a regular run

Run Now button

Batch size options Specify the number of Team Members per transaction. None

Accrual Balance records for Team Members

Absence Balance records for Team Members
Types of absence in scope

All Absence Accrual Rules with an accrual or with a baseline value from which absences are deducted (one record for each Absence Accrual Rule for each Team Member)

Vacation only
Year by year breakdown

Ability to set the number of Accrual Balance years to report in the Absence Accrual Rule.

If not set, balances are generated for the current accrual period.

Single snapshot of current balance.
Fields included
  • Employment Record
  • Team Member
  • Report Date
  • Absence Accrual Rule
  • Absence Reason
  • Absence Type
  • Year
  • Annual Allowance
  • Annual Allowance Pro Rata
  • Taken
  • Current Next Accrual
  • Available Carry Over
  • Current Accrual
  • Current TOIL
  • Year Start Accrual
  • Year Start Carryover
  • Year Start TOIL
  • Year End Accrual
  • Year End Carryover
  • Year End TOIL
  • Employment
  • Team Member
  • Report Date
  • Absence Reason
  • Absence Type
  • Vacation Taken
  • Annual Allowance
  • Annual Allowance Pro Rata
  • Next Accrual
  • Available Carry Over
  • Current Accrual
  • Carry Over
  • TOIL
  • Year End Balance
  • Year End Carry Over
  • Year End TOIL