Absence and Vacation |
Accrual balance reporting with the Generate Accrual Balances batch
The Generate Accrual Balances batch creates Accrual Balance records to use for reporting in a similar way to Absence Balance records created by the Hold Absence Balances batch.
Each Accrual Balance record provides a snapshot of the Accrual Log for a year. For the current year, this is the period from the last reset date to the report date, and for past years the period from one reset date to the next reset date. You can specify for how many years you want balances for each absence accrual rule.
Before you can create a standard HCM report or a WX Report to display accrual balance data, you have three configuration tasks to do:
Define the number of accrual balance years for all absence accrual rules.
Create a custom report type for the Accrual Balances object. The primary object is Accrual Balances.
If your organization uses carry over, the related (B) object is Accrual Balance Carry Over. The nature of the relationship between the primary object and the B object depends on the way your organization handles carry over:
If all team members have a carry over balance choose Each "A" record must have at least one related "B" record.
If team members may or may not have a carry over balance choose "A" records may or may not have related "B" records.