Absence and Vacation | Set up accrual balance reports

To set up a WX Report for accrual balances, you need to create a report and WX Report.

Create a report

Before you can create a WX Report for accrual balances, you need a report based on the accrual balances custom repor type.  To create the report:

  1. In the HR Manager portal, go to the Reports tab.
  2. Select New Report.
  3. In the Search Report Types bar, search for accrual balances:

    Screenshot: Selecting an accrual balances report type

  4. Select Continue.
  5. Customize the report by adding the fields you require for the report:

    Screenshot: Selecting fields in the report builder

  6. Select the Filters tab to add any filters you need for the report, such as Reason. Also on the Filters tab, ensure the Show Me and Created Date filters include all the records required for the report:

    Screenshot: Adding a filter to the report based on the Reason field values

  7. Select Save, and give the report a name and a description and choose the folder where you want to store. Report Unique Name is populated automatically based on the Report Name.
  8. Copy Report Unique Name for use in the creation of the WX Report.

    Screenshot: Report Unique Name field on the Save Report dialog

  9. Select Save.

Create a WX Report

To create the WX Report:

  1. Go to the WX Reports tab.
  2. Select New.
  3. Complete the fields as follows:
    API NameThe Report Unique Name from the report properties.
    Object NameThe API name of the Accrual balance object:


    Screenshot: New WX Report page with the API Name and Object Name fields

  4. Select Save.
  5. On the WX Report detail page, select Edit to update the report details. For more information about the fields displayed, see Creating and editing a WX Report.

    Screenshot: WX Report details page

Rounding values

If you want to apply rounding to values displayed in the Accrual Balance report, the Formula library provides a number of example formulas for rounding.

Display the report in WX

Follow the steps described in Creating a WX Process for Reporting to display the report in WX.