Enhanced absence features
You can configure two extensions to Absence Accrual functionality in Sage People WX:
Enabling multiple carry-over periods.
Employment legislation in some countries allows, or dictates, extended carry over from one leave year to the next. For example, Swedish legislation enables employees to carry over unused vacation days for up to 5 years, and unused leave at the end of a carry over cycle must be bought back by the employer using a carry over payout formula.
Sage People WX supports:
Multiple carry over periods up to a total of 99 months.
Control over the order used when deducting absence.
By default, Sage People deducts vacation requests from available leave categories in a standard order:
Time in lieu
Carry Over
Accrued entitlement
Extended functionality gives you complete control over the order of deduction, including the order for multiple carry over periods.
A Field Set on the Absence Accrual object enables you to control the editable fields displayed to the HR Manager when creating an Absence Accrual. You can use the field set:
To display multiple carry over periods as well as accrual and time in lieu values.
To control the order in which those fields are displayed, enabling you to copy the deduction order to be followed when an absence is booked.