Setting up carry over payout
In some countries it is a requirement to compensate employees for carried over absence entitlement that could not be taken within the permitted period and has expired. The compensation payment is typically known as a Carry Over Payout. The Carry Over Payout amount is typically calculated by a formula including the number of expired days or hours.
Carry Over values that have expired following the end of a carry over cycle and the date of expiry are held in the Absence Carryover Bucket object:
The Amount field holds the Carry Over value for which payment was due. Carry Over value is in days or hours, depending on the Rate Units used by the Absence Accrual Rule.
The Expiry Date field holds the date the carry over expired.
To record Carry Over Payout values, check the Show Carryover Payout checkbox on the Absence Accrual Rule. Carry Over Payout values are then displayed in the Accrual Log for each Team Member.