
Many SSO errors are caused by invalid Federation IDs in Sage People. The Federation ID in the User record must match the corresponding field in the organization's IT systems.

Disabling SSO by unchecking Using SAML gives an error

If your org displays the error message:

You can’t disable SAML as an authentication method, because your org or Experience Cloud site is currently using it.

Screenshot: Error message when SAML cannot be disabled because the org or an Experience site is using it

Go to the My Domain page and change the Authentication Service field to Login Form.

Screenshot: Authentication Configuration section on My Domain page, with Login Form selected for Authentication Service

Logged in team member sees direct reports for another team member


  • The Federation IDs and names of the Team Members are different.
  • The Team Members are linked to different User records. You can use a report for checks across larger groups—remember to include the User ID.

Error: Please check your username and password

Displayed when attempting to login on the Salesforce or org login page:

Screenshot: Error message on login page: Please check your username and password

Go to the My Domain page, select Edit and uncheck Login Policy which prevents log in from the link.

Screenshot: My Domain settings, showing the Login Policy field