Workforce Insights | CRM Analytics glossary

Term Definition

A CRM Analytics app contains dashboards, lenses, and datasets for the purpose of sharing the data analysis with others. Apps can be private, shared with the entire organization, or shared with specific people with different levels of access.

Connected data

An object or a file from a data source, synchronized with Analytics Studio. Connected data needs to be converted into a dataset before it can be used for analysis.


A curated set of charts, metrics, and tables based on the data in one or more lenses.


A collection of related data stored in a form optimized for interactive exploration.

Data sync

The method for refreshing connected data in CRM Analytics.


A lens is a view into a dataset used in an exploratory mode, or to get insight to a specific business question. Lenses can be saved and shared independently, or clipped to a dashboard.


A tab in a CRM Analytics dashboard containing distributed dashboard content, such as widgets and filters. A dashboard can have multiple pages.


A query retrieves data from one or more data sources, such as datasets, Salesforce objects, user-defined data, or external data. The query results can be displayed in different formats, such as a table or a chart, or used as input to another query.


A tool in the Analytics Studio interface which enable data from existing datasets, connected objects to be combined, transformed, and built into a new dataset.

Security predicate

A filter condition defining row level access to records in a dataset.


For more glossary terms, see the Salesforce CRM Analytics glossary.