Workforce Insights | Setup

Before you can do these steps, your org needs to have CRM Analytics licenses in place.

Check your package versions

Before you begin, ensure you have the latest version of the following packages:

  • Workforce Insights

    If you are upgrading from a previous version, check the upgrade path. To ensure the Workforce Insights installed app update goes smoothly, updates to existing dashboard datasets and recipes are delivered separately from new recipes in separate package versions.

  • Human Capital Management (HCM)

  • Performance Management

  • Time

Note In most cases, release packages will be installed for you by Sage People support. If you are unsure which package version you have, see Check your version of a Sage People package. If you need assistance with upgrading your org, contact your account representative following your usual support process.

For information about installing Workforce Insights and other packages, see Upgrading Sage People packages.

Embedded app creation after package installation

The package installation creates Integration User and Security User to your org if they do not already exist.

After the package is installed, the SP Workforce Insights Embedded app is automatically installed. The app installation takes some time to complete. You can monitor the progress of the app installation:

  1. Go to Setup, and in Quick Find enter apps, and select Auto-Installed Apps from the search results.

  2. Select the SP Workforce Insights Embedded to view the app installation progress on its app page. When the status displays Success, the app has been installed.

    If you do not see any apps on the Apps tab, select the Requests tab. If a request to install an app failed, it displays there: 

    Screenshot: A failed App Create request on the Requests tab

    If you have a failure, check and if necessary, update the permission set assignment for the Integration User, and select Try Again for the failed request.

Assign permission sets

To enable users to administer and access the dashboards, assign permission sets to users as follows: 

User or user group Permission sets
Integration User

This permission set is automatically assigned when the Sage People Workforce Insights Managed package is installed.

  • Sage People Workforce Insights Data Sync

If the permission set is not automatically assigned for any reason, you need to assign it.

System administrator and other administrators
  • Analytics View Only User

    Required to:

    • Install the Workforce Insights package

    • Access the Auto-Installed Apps page to check the status of SP Workforce Insights Embedded app installation

    • Access the App Install History page for scheduling data refresh

C suite dashboard users
  • Analytics View Only User

    Enables the user to view CRM Analytics dashboards they have access to.

  • Sage People Workforce Insights C-Suite Viewer

    Grants access to the Visualforce page hosting the C Suite dashboards.

Managers for the team lead dashboards
  • Analytics View Only

    Enables the user to view CRM Analytics dashboards they have access to.

  • Sage People Workforce Insights Org Chart

    Grants access to the WX process hosting the team lead dashboards.

  1. Go to Setup, and in Quick Find enter permission, then select Permission Sets from the search results.

  2. From the list of permission sets, select the permission set you want to assign.

  3. On the permission set page, select Manage Assignments.

  4. On the Current Assignments page, select Add Assignment.

  5. On the list of users, select the checkbox next to users you want to assign this permission set. Then select Next.

  6. On the Select an Expiration Option for Assigned Users page, leave No expiration date selected, and select Assign.

  7. On the Assignment Summary page, select Done.

Dashboard sharing settings

By default, the SP Workforce Insights Embedded App is shared with the entire organization with View access. This means everybody in the organization who is assigned the Analytics View Only User permission set can view the dashboards, if they have access to the dashboard URL or a page hosting the dashboards.

For the beta release using the free CRM Analytics licenses only, it is not possible to change the sharing settings. Access to the dashboards is controlled with the permission sets, which grant access to the pages hosting the dashboards.

Create a WX process

The WX process delivers the team lead dashboards to managers. Only managers assigned the Sage People Workforce Insights Team Member permission set can view the WX process.

  1. In the HR Manager Portal, select the WX Services tab.
  2. Select the WX Service you want to host Workforce Insights. To host it in its own service, follow the steps in Creating a new WX Service.
  3. On the WX Service Detail page, in the WX Processes Related List, select New WX Process.
  4. On the WX Process page, complete the fields as follows:




    The name you want displayed for Workforce Insights. The label is displayed:

    • In the Navigation Bar and the Service Bar.
    • On the Workforce Insights, if Show Title In Tile is checked.
    • On the Workforce Insights page, if Show Title in Detail is checked.


    Checkbox, checked by default to make Workforce Insights available for display in WX.

    WX Service

    The name of the Service you want to host this Process. By default, Sage People inserts the name of the Service you selected at the start of this procedure.


    Number, no decimal places. The order in which you want Workforce Insights displayed within the Processes hosted by the Service.

    Start Date

    The date you want Workforce Insights to be available.

    Leave blank if you want Workforce Insights to be available immediately.

    End Date

    The date after which you no longer want Workforce Insights to be available.

    Leave blank if you want Workforce Insights to be available indefinitely.

    Preferred Number Of Columns

    Number, no decimal places. The number of columns you want to use when displaying the Workforce Insights tile with other Processes in the same Service. Currently supports 1 or 2.

    Show In Mobile

    Checkbox. If checked, Workforce Insights is displayed by the Sage People Mobile app.

    Show Title In Tile

    Checkbox. If checked, Label is displayed at the top of the Workforce Insights Tile.

    If unchecked, the Tile does not include a Title bar.

    Show Title In Detail

    Checkbox. If checked, Label is displayed at the top of the Workforce Insights Detail page.

    If unchecked, the Workforce Insights page displays the default Custom Label Workforce Insights.

    The Show Title In Detail setting does not affect display of the Label elsewhere in WX - Label is displayed by default in Navigation Bar and Service Bar.

    Additional Information

    Leave blank.

    WX Process Type

    Picklist. Select: Workforce Insights.

  5. Select Save.

The C suite dashboards are hosted on a Visualforce page. The Sage People Workforce Insights C-Suite Viewer permission set grants access to this page.

The Visualforce page is located at:

https://<your domain>

For example, if your org's My Domain Name is mycompany100 then the C suite dashboard page is located at

You can share the link to the C suite dashboards by sending an email with the URL included, for example.

Refresh the dashboards

The dashboards do not use data from your org directly, but from the datasets. When data in your org changes, the dashboards are updated when the datasets are refreshed. The free Analytics View Only Embedded App license enables data to be refreshed once in a 24 hour period.

You can schedule a refresh or run it manually.

To refresh the dashboards: 

  1. Go to Setup, and in Quick Find enter apps, and select App Install History from the search results.

  2. For SP Workforce Insights Embedded app, select the down arrow on the right and: 

    • Select Schedule to schedule a regular refresh:

      Screenshot: Schedule CRM Analytics app refresh

      Select the Start at picklist and choose the time of day when you want the refresh to start. Then for Run on, select the days of the week when you want the refresh to run. When you have set the schedule, select Save.

      The time for starting the next refresh is displayed in the Next Refresh column.

    • Select Refresh Now to run the refresh immediately.

      Sage People displays the Refresh Data dialog:

      Screenshot: Refresh Data dialog

      Select OK.

      The refresh starts and you can view the progress in the Task Overview column:

      Screenshot: App history with data refresh task overview

      You can select Refresh to monitor the progress of the data refresh.

  3. After scheduling a refresh, you can: 

    • Select the down arrow on the right and then Delete Schedule to remove the current schedule.

    • Select the down arrow on the right and then Schedule to make changes to the current schedule.

Workforce Insights app upgrades

The SP Workforce Insights Embedded app is delivered with the Auto-Upgrade setting set to enabled. This means Sage People can automatically deliver new dashboards and updates to the existing dashboards to the app when a new version of the Workforce Insights package is released—you do not need to do anything to receive the updates. Sage People recommends you do not change the default setting.

If you make changes to the dashboards delivered by the SP Workforce Insights Embedded app, an upgrade will overwrite your changes. For this reason, if your organization wants to create your own dashboards, the recommended way of using the Sage People delivered dashboards as a starting point is to clone the dashboards in the CRM Analytics Data Manager, and make all edits to the clones rather than the original dashboard. This means the original dashboards can receive updates without disrupting your own dashboards. Developing your own dashboards requires paid licenses for CRM Analytics.

If you want to switch off automatic upgrades:

  1. Go to Setup, and in Quick Find enter apps and select Auto-Installed Apps from the search results.

  2. Select SP Workforce Insights Embedded from the list of apps.

  3. From the Details section, select App Settings

    Screenshot: Selecting App Settings

  4. Clear the checkbox next to Auto-Upgrade. Then select Save.

Automatic upgrades are no longer enabled, and your org will not receive updates to the dashboards in the SP Workforce Insights Embedded app from Sage People.