Workforce Insights | Permission sets

Workforce Insights uses permission sets supplied by Salesforce for CRM Analytics and by Sage People for grant users different levels of access to the dashboards and the analytics tools for creating and administering them.

Permission set Description Supplied by User group
Analytics View Only User

Assigns the Analytics View Only Embedded App license to the user.

Enables the user to view licensed view-only CRM Analytics apps and dashboards and interact them as a viewer, such as applying filters, saving the view with filters applied, and downloading the dashboard as an image.


Dashboard viewers

Administrators setting up and maintaining Workforce Insights in an org

CRM Analytics Platform Admin

Assigns the Analytics Platform license to the user.

Enables the user to create and customize CRM Analytics apps, dashboards, datasets and data flows.


Data analysts

Not used in the Workforce Insights beta release.

CRM Analytics Platform User

Assigns the Analytics Platform license to the user.

Enables the user to view and interact with CRM Analytics apps and dashboards, and create and edit lenses.


Dashboard viewers who need viewer access to CRM Analytics apps beyond the access granted by Analytics View Only User.

Not used in the Workforce Insights beta release.

CRM Analytics Plus Admin

Assigns the CRM Analytics Plus license to the user.

Enables the user to create and customize all features in CRM Analytics, including Einstein Discovery.


Data analysts

Not used in the Workforce Insights beta release.

CRM Analytics Plus User

Assigns the CRM Analytics Plus license to the user.

Enables the user to view and interact with CRM Analytics apps and dashboards, and create and edit lenses, including using the Einstein Discovery features.


Dashboard viewers who need access to Einstein Discovery features as a viewer.

Not used in the Workforce Insights beta release.

Sage People Workforce Insights C-Suite Viewer

In the Workforce Insights beta release, grants access to the SgPpl.Workforce_Insights_CSuite_VF Visualforce page, which hosts the C Suite dashboards.

Sage People Viewers of the C Suite dashboards.
Sage People Workforce Insights Data Sync

Has Read access to the following objects and managed fields: 

  • Absence

    • All fields

  • Absence Accrual Pattern

    • All fields except Inherits From

  • Absence Balance

    • All fields

  • Absence Day Record

    • All fields

  • Absence

    • All fields

  • Accrual Balance

    • All fields

  • Enhanced Objective

    • All fields

  • Enhanced Objective Review

    • All fields

  • HR Department

    • Approver

    • Policy

  • Job Description

    • All fields

  • Performance Review

    • All fields

  • Performance Review Feedback

    • All fields

  • Policy

    • Policy Group

    • WX Colour

    • Year Start Day

    • Year Start Month

  • Self Performance Review

    • All fields

  • Template Library

    • Name

    • Type Code

  • Template Version

    • All fields

  • Work Location

    • Address Postal Code

    • Address Region

    • Country

    • Latitude

    • Longitude

    • Unit Name

    • Work Location Name

Has access to the following Custom Metadata Type:

  • SgPpl.ISO-Country

Sage People Automatically assigned to Integration User
Sage People Workforce Insights Org Chart

In the Workforce Insights beta release, grants access to the SgPpl.ManagerDashboardPage page, which hosts the team lead dashboards in WX.

Sage People Managers with direct reports