Defining WX Report Filters

When you create a WX Report, all filters from the underlying report are applied and displayed in the WX Report Filters Related List on the WX Report Detail page:

Screenshot: WX Report Filters on WX Report Details page

To add a new filter to the WX Report:

  1. Select New WX Report Filter.

    Sage People displays the WX Report Filter Edit page:

    Screenshot: WX Report Filter edit page

  2. Complete the fields as follows:

    Field Name

    The API name of the field used to filter the data.


    The path followed from the Base Object to locate the Field.


    Picklist. The operator applied to the data. Select the picklist and choose from:

    • Equals
    • Not Equals
    • Greater Than
    • Less Than
    • Greater Or Equal
    • Less Or Equal
    • Contains
    • Not Contains
    • Starts With


    The value of the field that triggers the filter when combined with the Operator.


    The order used when applying filters. Filters are applied in ascending order.


    System Information section

    WX Report

    The name of the WX Report hosting this filter. Defaults to the name of the WX Report you are editing.

    To add this filter to a different WX Report, select WX Report Lookup , find and select the WX Report you want.

  3. Select:

    • Save to save your changes and return to the WX Report Detail page.
    • Save and New to save your changes and add another new WX Report Filter.
    • Cancel to discard your changes.