Session settings for successful Longlist email operation

When using the Send Email option from the Longlist tab on the Vacancy page, do you get an error message like this?

<your org identifier> refused to connect.

If you do it is likely to be caused by the session clickjack settings for your org. To fix the issue:

  1. In your org go to Setup and in Quick find enter Session Settings.

  2. On the Session Settings page scroll down to the Clickjack Protection section:

    By default the settings are as follows:

    Field Default value
    Enable clickjack protection for Setup pages Selected
    Enable clickjack protection for non-Setup Salesforce pages Selected

    Enable clickjack protection for customer Visualforce pages with standard headers

    Not selected
    Enable clickjack protection for customer Visualforce pages with headers disabled Not selected
  3. Check the clickjack protection settings in your org and decide if they are appropriate for the security level you want to apply.

  4. If:

    • Enable clickjack protection for customer Visualforce pages with standard headers

    • or

    • Enable clickjack protection for customer Visualforce pages with headers disabled

      are already selected or you need to select them:

      1. Scroll down to the Trusted Domains for Inline Frames section.

      2. Select Add Domain.

      3. Add the domain name:


      4. Select Save & New.

      5. Add the domain name:


      6. Select Save.

      7. Check the trusted domain list includes the two domains you added:

Now use the Longlist to select the candidates you want and select Send Email. The emails should be sent and no error returned.