Timesheets | Time reporting by work allocation
A training module with some short videos on different aspects of timesheets, including timesheet entry type options, is available in Sage University.
Each day displays time entry fields for available Work Allocations.
Available Work Allocations are separately defined and can be assigned to individual Team Members or to all Team Members assigned to a Policy.
When added to a Timesheet for period 1, a Work Allocation is offered on the Timesheet for period 2 to avoid the need to add it again. If the Work Allocation is not used for period 2 it is treated as an exception and dropped from period 3 onwards. The Work Allocation is retained as long as time entries are made against it.
Working time can also be automatically allocated to Pay Code, as defined by the Overtime Rule and Overtime Conditions.
Sage People calculates total hours worked, hours worked for each Work Allocation, and if Pay Codes are used, total hours for each Pay Code:
Calendars can be displayed at left, so the dates form rows, or at top, so the dates form columns.