Creating a WX Process for Benefits

  1. In the HR Manager Portal, select the WX Services tab.
  2. Select the WX Service you want to host Benefits.
  3. On the WX Service Detail page, in the WX Processes Related List, select New WX Process.
  4. On the WX Process page, complete the fields as follows:




    The name you want displayed for Benefits. The label is displayed:

    • In the Navigation Bar and the Service Bar.
    • On the Benefits Tile, if Show Title In Tile is checked.
    • On the Benefits Detail page, if Show Title in Detail is checked.


    Checkbox, checked by default to make Benefits available for display in WX.

    WX Service

    The name of the Service you want to host this Process. By default, Sage People inserts the name of the Service you selected at the start of this procedure.


    Number, no decimal places. The order in which you want Benefits displayed within the Processes hosted by the Service.

    Start Date

    The date you want Benefits to be available.

    Leave blank if you want Benefits to be available immediately.

    End Date

    The date after which you no longer want Benefits to be available.

    Leave blank if you want Benefits to be available indefinitely.

    Preferred Number Of Columns

    Number, no decimal places. The number of columns you want to use when displaying the XXX_Process_XXX tile with other Processes in the same Service. Currently supports 1 or 2.

    Show In Mobile

    Checkbox. If checked,Benefits is displayed by the Sage People Mobile app.

    Show Title In Tile

    Checkbox. If checked, Label is displayed at the top of the Benefits Tile.

    If unchecked, the Tile does not include a Title bar.

    Show Title In Detail

    Checkbox. If checked, Label is displayed at the top of the BenefitsX Detail page.

    If unchecked, the Benefits Detail page displays the default Custom Label Benefits.

    The Show Title In Detail setting does not affect display of the Label elsewhere in WX - Label is displayed by default in Navigation Bar and Service Bar.

    Additional Information

    Leave blank.

    WX Process Type

    Picklist. Select Benefits.

  5. Select Save.