Set up a remote site to support DocuSign

Your DocuSign implementation is supported by a Salesforce Remote Site, enabling access to DocuSign from Sage People. You need to know the url for the DocuSign instance you use, for example

  1. Log in to Sage People and go to remote site settings:

    • In Salesforce Lighting Experience, go to Setup > Settings > Security > Remote Site Settings.

    • In Salesforce Classic interface, go to Setup > Administration Setup > Security Controls > Remote Site Settings.

  2. Select New Remote Site.

    Sage People displays the Remote Site Edit page.

  3. Complete the fields as follows:

    Field Description
    Remote Site Name Enter a name for the Site enabling easy identification. The name is displayed in the list of Remote Sites.
    Remote Site URL The URL for the instance of DocuSign you want to use with Sage People.
    Disable Protocol Security Checkbox. Leave unchecked.
    Description Enter a brief description for the Site.
    Active Checkbox. Check to activate the Remote Site.
  4. Select Save.