Controlling section breaks

On the PDF Template page, each section has a Layout picklist:

Screenshot: Layout picklist field annotated for a PDF template section

Layout options enable you to control how a section is displayed:

Option Description


Defaults to Inline.


The default. Display this section immediately following the previous section with no line or page breaks.

For example, use Inline for sections containing:

  • Conditional sentences that, when included, you want to form part of a standard paragraph.
  • Tables that you want to form part of the normal flow of text.

New Line

Display this section on a new line.

For example, use New Line for sections containing:

  • Conditional paragraphs.
  • Images that you do not want to flow text around.

New Page Before

Display this section on a new page.

For example, use New Page Before for sections containing:

  • Blocks of conditional text that you want to give prominence or to separate from surrounding text when they are included.
  • Longer tables of supporting information.
  • Appendix content.

New Page After

Display the section after this section on a new page.