Pulse Surveys | Update questions

  1. Select Home > Surveys > List Views > All.
  2. Select the Survey Name of the Survey you want to update.
  3. Update the following fields:

    To do this Follow these steps Notes
    Reorder question Select the Up/Down icon next to the question to be moved  
    Delete question Select Delete to the left of the question to be removed from the survey  
    Update wording of question
    • Select Edit to the left of the question to be updated.
    • Update wording in the Title field as appropriate.
    • Select Save.
    Required for questions 1, 3 and 5 at least, to change <Company> to the name of the company.
    Allow response to be comment only
    • Select Edit to the left of the question to be updated.
    • Check the Comment Only option.

    • Select Save.
    If you select Comment Only, the Scale Type and Scale picklists disappear from the Survey Questions options.
    Add a new Survey Question
    • Select New Survey Question.
    • Enter the question text in the Title field.
    • Select Comment Only if appropriate.
    • Select Scale Type as appropriate.
    • Select Scale as appropriate.
    • Set Character Limit if required.
    • Complete Help Text to provide extra information about your question.
    • Adding a new question is only available if the survey contains less than 10 questions.
    • Character Limit applies to the Comment box.
    • Help Text is shown in WX by selecting the > symbol to the left of the question number.