Setting up Pulse Surveys

A Pulse Survey comprises:

  • A Survey definition, including:

    • Name and description.
    • An optional completion message.
    • Start and end dates.
    • Anonymity indicator.
    • Reuse details.

      You can define a Survey with no re-use - the Survey runs once only. Typically, pulse surveys are designed to run multiple times to measure changing data over time. Reuse details schedule the repeat frequency and duration of the Survey.

    • Questions.

      Questions must reference a Scale in the Scales Library. If the Scales you want to use do not exist you must create them before you can complete setting up the Survey questions.

  • Survey Dimensions.

    Dimensions are the data fields you want to record for Team Members responding to the survey, such as Department, Employment Status, Hire Date, and so on. A range of pre-configured Dimensions is supplied - you can add your own if necessary.

  • An Internal Communication process to host the Survey.

Follow this sequence:

  1. Create a Survey definition.

  2. Add questions.

    Questions use Scales from the Scales Library - make sure the library holds the Scales you want to use and add any you new scales you need.

  3. Add Dimensions.

  4. Set Configure page options.

  5. Set up WX to host and display the Survey.