Performance Review

The Performance Review process implements a performance appraisal of a team member by the team member's manager, with contributions by the team member. Traditionally completed annually, performance reviews are now typically completed more frequently and can include continuous feedback. You can also dispense with the formal review and build a performance record solely through continuous feedback. Each review is a summary of the overall performance of a team member through the review period.

A Performance Review that occurs outside the Performance Review window, which is 45 days before and after the start date of the working year defined in the Policy is called a Mid Year Review.

A key output is the performance rating for the team member. The rating is used in other processes such as talent management and succession planning. It is also used for pay and bonus planning.

With a formal, periodic review, the review meeting between manager and team member is key. Each part of the performance review of a team member:

  • Preparation
  • Approval by HR
  • Comments after the meeting recorded in the system by the manager. The team member can enter comments, and the review can also include a self performance review entered by the team member about themselves. A self performance review can only be created as part of a performance review. A review can include attachments added by the manager to the manager's review or by the Team Member to the Self Performance Review.

You can produce a PDF of the Performance Review at each stage of the process - select Screenshot: Create Adobe PDF version button for Performance Review on the Performance Review Detail view. Typically, a PDF is produced and used as an attachment to an email at the end of the process.

The Performance Overview process includes Objectives, Performance Review, and Continuous Feedback. Administrators have a number of options for how to set up performance reviews, including performance review templates and policy settings.