Bank Details

Sage People enables you to record multiple bank accounts for a single Team Member and specify how payroll payments are to be split between them. You can allocate payments by percentage or value, setting a priority order to be followed. You can define a single remainder account to receive any remaining balance after all other accounts have received their allocation.

To display bank account details:

In the menu, select the Bank Details process:

Screenshot: finding bank details in the navigation menu

WX displays the Bank Details page:

Screenshot: Detail view for the Bank Details process, showing three bank accounts

You can:

  • Display all details for an account:

    Select the Account Name:

    Screenshot: Selecting a bank account from the list

    WX displays the stored Account Details for the account:

    Screenshot: Detail view for a bank account

  • Edit details for an account.

    Select Edit on the Account Details view, or select the Actions drop down for the account, then select Edit:

    Screenshot: Actions drop down for a bank account

  • Deactivate an account.

    Select the Actions drop down for the account, then select Deactivate.

  • Delete an account.

    Select Delete on the Account Details view, or select the Actions drop down for the account, then select Delete.

  • Change the priority used to allocate funds to your accounts.

    Select Prioritize

    Screenshot: Prioritize and New buttons for bank accounts

  • Add a new account.

    Select New