Create a headcount report

We will begin by creating a current headcount report that shows active team members who have not left. Your organization may already have a report like this which can be used as a starting point.

To create a current headcount report:

  1. In the HR Manager portal, go to the Reports tab.

  2. Select New Report.

  3. For the report type, select Employment History with Team Member.

    Screenshot: select a report type

  4. Select Start Report.

  5. Select the Filters tab and set the following filters:

    • Show Me: All Employment History

    • Employment Record Created Date: All Time

    • Has Left: equals False

    Note The date filter can use any field, but it must use All Time as the range.

    Screenshot: add filters

  6. Add any further filters that are required. For example, you might want to filter out contractors or pre-joiners from the headcount. To remove contractors and pre-joiners from the count, add the following filters:

    • Basis: not equal to Contract

    • Team Member: Pre Boarder: equals False

  7. Select Save, and give the report a name.

    Tip As part of this worked example, the headcount report we have created will form the basis of the turnover report when it has been converted to a joined report, so call it something like "Employee Turnover YTD".
  8. Select Save.