Support for manager changes in Conversations

Role: HR Administrator

Conversations in Performance Management are restricted to the team member, the team member's manager and the team member's cross reporting managers with access to Performance Management, if any. When the team member's manager changes, by default the previous manager no longer has access to the conversation, and the new manager has access from the date of the manager change. To ensure privacy and confidentiality of conversations, the new manager cannot see any comments preceding the manager change.

Manager changes are automatically handled by setting start and end dates to the managers' participation in the Conversation. If required, for example to achieve a short period of overlap before the change, system administrators can adjust the dates manually in the HR Manager portal.

The team member can see all comments in the conversation, regardless of who their manager is at any point in time.

If the manager change is temporary and the previous manager returns in the future, they can see the conversation from the point where they are the manager again, as well as the comments from the previous period when they were the manager.

The dates are set in the Conversation Participant records. By default, when a Conversation Participant record is created, the start and end dates are set to null. This enables the participant to view comments of all dates in the Conversation. At a manager change, an end date is applied to the previous manager's Conversation Participant, set to the date when the change happens. The new manager gets a new Conversation Participant record with a start date set to the date when the change happens. The managers can see comments with dates within their participant record start and end dates.

The Activity feed on My Team's Performance dashboard follows the same principles for displaying events.