Viewing next due dates for Team Member Processes

The Team Member Detail page Process Control section includes dates for:

  • Next Performance Review

    Calculated from the last completed Performance Review for the team Member and the Performance Review Repeat value on the Policy.

    • For Continuous Feedback and combined Continuous Feedback and Formal reviews, the Next Performance Review Date marks the start of the next review period - Continuous Feedback can start as soon as the period starts.
    • For Formal, point in time reviews, the Next Performance Review Date marks the end of the next review period - Formal reviews look backwards and review performance over the previous period.

    If you are transitioning from Formal reviews to reviews including Continuous Feedback, the Next Performance Review Date can be used as the end of the Formal review period and the start of the Continuous Feedback period.

  • Next Job Description

    Job Descriptions need periodic review to keep them current. Next Job Description Date is calculated from the date of the last completed Job Description for the Team Member and the Job Description Repeat value on the Policy.

  • Next Skills

    Team Member skills need periodic review to keep records up to date. Next Skills Date is calculated from the Skill Created Date and the Skills Repeat value on the Policy.

  • Next Competency Assessment

    Calculated from the last completed Competency Assessment and the Competency Assessment Repeat value on the Policy.

  • Next Successors

    Where a successor has been nominated for a Team Member, the Next Successor Date is calculated from the Created Date and the Succession Repeat value on the Policy.

  • Next Talent Plan

    Where a Talent Plan has been created for a Team Member, the Next Talent Plan Date is calculated from the Created Date and the Talent Plan Repeat value on the Policy.

  • Next Development Needs

    Where a Development Plan exists for a Team Member, the Next Development Needs Date is calculated from the Plan Created Date and the Development Need Repeat value on the Policy.

You can manually set Next... dates for Team Members using Mass Update.