Employment record related lists

Employment Records have a number of related lists. You can find links to all related lists at the top of the Employment Record:

Screenshot: Related List links at the top of an Employment Record in Salesforce Lightning Experience

Screenshot: Related List links on top of an Employment Record

Hovering your mouse on a link displays the related list section and enables you to select any links it contains:

Screenshot: Hovering over a Related List link to view the Related List details

Screenshot: Hovering over a Related List link to see the Related List details

If your org was created after April 2022, you find related lists grouped on tabs under 4 headings as follows: 

  • Compensation & Benefits

  • Time

  • Change History

  • All Related Lists

Screenshot: Compensation & Benefits, Time, Change History, and All Related Lists tab group headings on an Employment Record page

Select a heading to view related lists on the tab.

You can customize Related List display to control: