Automatically calculated fields for downloads

Download Status

Download Status is a field included in each download data file to show the status of each record.

When a download is requested Payflow checks the records in the requested set and automatically updates the Download Status field with one of these values:

Value Description
New The Start Date for the record is within the download period.For Beneficiary and Benefit records, New is set only when there is no previous record with the same Provider and Policy Number.

The Start Date for the record is before the start of the download period AND the End Date is not set or is in the future.For Job History:

  • The Job History Select Field matches the Job History Select Value


  • Effective Date is before the batch start date.

Terminate The End Date for the record is within the download period.

The End Date for the record is before the start of the download period.

Delete can only be set if an Include Period Back checkbox is checked when configuring the download. Include Period Back checkboxes are provided for Team Member, Bonus, Benefit, Absence, and Timesheet records. For Job History:

  • The Job History Select Field does not match the Job History Select Value


  • History Effective Date when the Value ceased to match is before the batch start date.

Transfer In

For Job History:

  • The Job History Select Field matches the Job History Select Value


  • The Job History Effective Date is between the batch start and end dates. Typically used to indicate Team Member records that are newly added to a payroll.

Transfer Out

For Job History:

  • The Job History Select Field does not match the Job History Select Value


The Job History Effective Date when the Value ceased to match is between the batch start and end dates. Typically used to indicate Team Member records that are newly removed from a payroll.

The following objects include Payroll Download Status fields:

  • Beneficiary
  • Benefit
  • Employment Record
  • Job History
  • Salary
  • Team Member

Effective dates for benefits

Include Effective Date fields in your downloads to indicate a number of dates associated with benefit records. You can include the fields when mapping HCM to download files:




The earliest Start Date for benefits with the same Provider for this Team Member.


The earliest Start Date for benefits with the same Provider and the same Policy Coverage for this Team Member.


The earliest Start Date for benefits with the same Provider and the same Policy Coverage for this Team Member, or the Post Employment Benefits Start Date.


The earliest Start Date for benefits with the same Provider and the same Plan for this Team Member.

These date fields are automatically calculated when you request a download that includes them.

Effective Date fields are available in the following objects:


Beneficiary object

Benefit object





Not available



Not available



Not available
