Field sets: Employment Record subset

Employment Record object
Field Set Purpose
Job Change

Fields displayed in the HR Manager's Portal on the Team Member Job Change page in the Employment Details Section.

From the Team Members tab: select Team Member, select Change Position.

Job History

Fields copied to the Job History whenever any of them change in the employment or team member record.

If you add any fields to the Job History field set you must create matching (same name, same type) fields in the Job History object.

Job Library

Fields linked to the Job Library. The employment record has values for these fields set as defined for the linked job from the library.

If you add any fields to the Job Library field set you must create matching fields in the Job Library Item object. "Matching" means of the same name and same type, except for picklist fields, such as Basis, which must be mapped to fields of the same name but of type Text.