Setting up the Organization page

By default the Organization Home page includes the following Team Member information:

  • Name

  • Thumbnail

  • Job Title

  • Country

  • HR Department

  • Manager Name

Each field is displayed in columns and is also available as a filter, to supply values for the filters to focus the display on Team Members who match the criteria you specify.

To change the fields displayed, edit the Team Member Organization Tab Table Field Set:

  1. Go to the Team Member object:

    • In Salesforce Lightning Experience, go to Setup > Object Manager, and select the Team Member object.

    • In Salesforce Classic interface, go to Setup > App Setup > Create > Objects and select the Label for the Team Member object.

  2. Select the Field Sets Related List.

  3. For the Organization Tab Table Field Set, select Edit.

  4. Select the fields you want to add to the Organization Home page, drag and drop them into the Field Set.

    The Organization home page displays the fields in the order shown in the Field Set panel: top to bottom in the Field Set panel is rendered left to right in the columns on the Home page.

    Move the fields in the Field Set panel into the order you want.

  5. Select Save to save your changes and return to the Team Member Field Sets list.