Enabling external feedback

Role: HR Administrator

If you want Team Members and managers to request eedback from people external to your organization, you must enable external Feedback, and create a Salesforce site to host the Feedback forms.

To enable external feedback:

  1. Go to the Installed packages page:

    • In the Salesforce Lightning Experience, go to SetupPlatform ToolsAppsPackaging > Installed Packages.

    • In Salesforce Classic interface, go to Setup > App Setup > Installed Packages.

  2. Select Configure next to Sage People Performance Management:

    Link to the Performance Management package Configure page on Installed Packages page

    Sage People displays the Performance Management Configuration Details page.

  3. In the Feedback section, select Enable External Feedback:

    Screenshot: Enable External Feedback option in the Feedback section of the Performance Management package Configure page

  4. Ensure you have configured a site to host the feedback forms for external contacts.

  5. When you have completed the steps to create a site, select External Feedback Site URL and enter the Site's URL.

    For example: 


  6. Select Save.