Headcount Reports

Headcount reports show the number of team members in your organization, including details of new hires, managers, team member tenure, and demographic information.



Headcount by Country

Current headcount grouped by country. Includes the total annual salary by reporting currency, and the percentage of the total headcount in each country.

Presented in a table and a graphic.

Headcount by Division

Current headcount grouped by division. Includes names, job titles, countries, teams, the total annual salary by reporting currency, and the percentage of the total headcount in each division.

Includes a graphic with headcount, the total annual salary by reporting currency, and the percentage of the total headcount in each division.

Headcount by Employment Status

Current headcount grouped by employment status. Includes names, the total annual salary by reporting currency, and the percentage of the total headcount in each status.

Includes a graphic with headcount, the total annual salary by reporting currency, and the percentage of the total headcount in each status.

New Hires in Last 12 Months Headcount of current team members who joined within the last 12 months, including annual salary by reporting currency.
Headcount by Manager Level

Current headcount grouped by manager status. Includes names, country, business, division, team, function, number of direct reports and the total annual salary by reporting currency.

Includes a graphic with headcount and the total annual salary by reporting currency, split by manager status (true or false).

Headcount by Basis

Current headcount grouped by employment status. Includes names, the total annual salary by reporting currency, and the percentage of the total headcount in each status.

Includes a graphic with headcount, the total annual salary by reporting currency, and the percentage of the total headcount in each division.

Headcount by Gender

Current headcount grouped by gender. Includes names, job titles, countries, divisions, teams, the total annual salary by reporting currency, and the percentage of the total headcount in each gender.

Includes a graphic with headcount, the total annual salary by reporting currency, and the percentage of the total headcount for each gender.

Headcount by Tenure Range

Current headcount grouped by tenure range. Includes names, job titles, countries, business, divisions, functions, employment start dates, tenure, age, the total annual salary by reporting currency, and the average annual salary in each tenure range.

Includes a graphic with headcount, the total annual salary by reporting currency, and the average annual salary for each tenure range.

Headcount by Age Range Band

Current headcount grouped by age range. Includes the total annual salary by reporting currency, and the percentage of the total headcount in each age range.

Presented in a table and a graphic.

Headcount by Ethnicity - Global

Current headcount grouped by ethnicity. Includes names, job titles, business, divisions, teams, functions, the total annual salary by reporting currency, and the average annual salary for each ethnicity.

Includes a graphic with headcount, the total annual salary by reporting currency, and the average annual salary by ethnicity.