Talent Succession Planning

Talent succession planning reports provide an overview of the performance and potential of your team members, giving you insight into the competence and performance of your workforce, a view of those who are most likely to leave, and the reasons why employees might be leaving the organization.



Talent Plan Performance vs Potential

Number of Team Members displayed in a matrix of potential against performance rating, derived from the Talent Plan. Select high, medium, or low potential and drill down by any Team Member or Talent Plan field.

Team Members By Competencies

Team Members summarized by average competency assessment score. For each identified Team Member the report displays:

  • Country.
  • Team.
  • Report Line.

Select a Team Member and drill down by a range of fields from the Talent Plan, Performance Review, Competency Assessment, Salary, Employment, or Team Member records.

Team Members By Performance

Team Members summarized by Talent Plan Performance Rating. For each identified Team Member the report displays:

  • Country.
  • Team.
  • Report Line.

Select a performance rating and drill down by a range of fields from the Talent Plan, Performance Review, Competency Assessment, Salary, Employment, or Team Member records.

Age vs Years Employed

Team Members in each age range, broken down by the number of years they have worked for your organization. Drill down by any Team Member field within age band.

The report includes a stacked bar chart.

Talent Plan People to Retain

Team Members identified in the Talent Plan as high performers with high or medium potential, and with a high or medium risk of leaving. For each identified Team Member the report displays:

  • Manager.
  • Current Talent Plan number, linked to the Talent Plan.
  • Current Talent Plan Performance Rating and Potential.
  • Current Talent Plan Risk of Leaving.
  • Assessed Impact of Loss.

The report includes a bar chart showing the number of Team Members in each Reason to Leave category.

Talent Plan Reason to Leave by Manager

Number of Team Members summarized by manager for each of the Talent Plan Reasons to Leave. Select managers and drill down by any Team Member or Talent Plan field.

Team Members By Potential

Team Members summarized by Talent Plan Potential. For each identified Team Member the report displays:

  • Country.
  • Team.
  • Report Line.

Select a potential rating and drill down by a range of fields from the Talent Plan, Performance Review, Competency Assessment, Salary, Employment, or Team Member records.