Supplemental Reports

Uncategorized additional reports covering a range of further information.



Summary of Loss Impact Team Member impact of loss as identified on the Talent Plan, summarized by risk of leaving within impact of loss.
Objectives by Department Team Members with their progress against objectives, summarized by department or by other Objective or Team Member field.
Absence Cost Accrual Financial cost of absence by Team Member, summarized by function or by other Team Member, Employment, Absence, or Activity field.
High Potential w/High Risk Team Members who are identified on the Talent Plan with high potential and at high risk of leaving. The report also includes the talent plan assessment of the impact of their loss.
Objective Progress Report Team Members with their progress against objectives, summarized by progress (ongoing on track; ongoing above track; closed achieved and so on) or by other Objective or Team Member field.
Summary of Employee Potential Team Member potential as identified on the Talent Plan, summarized by level of potential within country.

Targets Multicurrency

Sales targets and actuals by Team Member, summarized by manager. The report includes:

  • Target name.
  • Target currency.
  • Target value for the financial year in local and reporting currencies.
  • Actuals for the year to date in local and reporting currencies.
  • Percentage achieved for the year to date.
  • Progress: above track, on track and so on.

Draft Performance Review Bias

Performance Reviews analyzed by manager for uncompleted Team Member reviews. The report uses standard deviation and difference from ideal mean to reveal overly harsh or overly generous reviews.

Current Performance Review Bias

Performance Reviews analyzed by manager for the most recent completed Team Member reviews. The report uses standard deviation and difference from ideal mean to reveal overly harsh or overly generous reviews.

Absence Report

Team member absence history, grouped by location. Includes:

  • Full name

  • HR Department

  • Country

  • Employment Status

  • Reason for absence

  • Start date

  • End date

  • Number of days/hours

  • Status of absence

Historic Heads and Leavers Displays the number of heads and leavers for each calendar quarter.
Headcount and Salary

Current headcount and total annual salary in the reporting currency, by country. Includes the percentage of the total headcount in each country.

Presented in a table and a graphic.