Sage People Dashboards

Sage People dashboards provide a graphical overview of a number of key factors relating to your workforce, such as platform adoption, headcounts, workforce analytics, performance, workforce turnover, along with salary, talent, and performance management.



Sage People Dashboards
Sage People Adoption Dashboard

A number of indicators of adoption, looking back over the last 30 days and including:

  • Number of users logging in, and total number of users

  • Most active users

  • Graphical display of:

    • Cumulative logins

    • Proportion of users logging in

Select Dashboards
Workforce Insight

Analysis of your workforce, including:

  • Headcount by employment basis

  • Gender mix

  • Performance rating distribution

  • Work locations

  • Objective progress and performance ratings

  • Recognition.

Workforce Headcount

Workforce headocunts based on a number of categories, such as:

  • Employment basis

  • Gender

  • Tenure

  • Location

  • Manager status

  • Age range

  • Ethnicity

Workforce Turnover

Analysis of the reasons why employees are leaving, including:

  • Reason for leaving

  • Attrition by country

  • Employee distribution by country

  • Leavers by tenure range

  • Would leavers recommend our company?

Workforce Vacation & Absence Management

Graphical display including:

  • Total absence days by location and by function.
  • Total vacation days by location and by month.
  • Absence days by function.
Workforce Recognition

Analysis of how well the organization is recognizing employees, including:

  • Team member recognition by name and by type

  • Recognition by division

Exit Form Analysis

Analysis of responses from employees who have left the company, including:

  • Average recommendation score by country

  • Reasons for leaving - areas of concern

  • Reasons for leaving - areas of concern by country

Workforce Performance

Analysis of key performance metrics, including:

  • Performance review distribution

  • Best performers by location

  • Lowest performers by location

  • Team member objective progress

  • Performance review status

Supplemental Dashboards
HCM - Dashboard

Graphical display of key data about your organization, including:

  • Organizational potential by country taken from Talent Plan data.
  • Potential impact of loss by country taken from Talent Plan data.
  • Absence days by location
  • Progress of objectives in total and by team.
  • High potential employees with a high risk of leaving.
  • Absence as a percentage of hours worked, by location .
HRIS - Headcount & Leavers

Analysis of headcount and leavers:

  • Rolling display of team members leaving per calendar quarter.
  • Rolling summary headcount per calendar quarter.
Training and Development

Graphical display including numbers of Team Members:

  • With each development need.
  • With skills in each skill area.
  • With each competency.
Salary Planning

Graphical display including:

  • Number of Team Members in each salary band.
  • Performance rating by salary band.
  • Projected salary award totals by manager.
Talent Management

Graphical display including:

  • Age ranges by number of years employed.
  • Number of Team Members with each Talent Plan potential score.
  • Number of Team Members in each Talent Plan Reason to Leave category.
  • Talent Plan potential ratings against performance rating.
Performance Management

Graphical display of performance indicators including:

  • Average performance rating by manager.
  • Overall performance as a ratings average.
  • Number of performance reviews by country.
  • Average performance by department.
  • Progress against objectives.
  • Performance ratings.
Company Dashboards
Company Performance Dashboard A standard Salesforce dashboard.