Custom Labels: Talent Plan 9 Box Grid View

Annotated screenshot showing the custom labels driving text content on the 9 Box Grid View

Annotated screenshots showing the custom labels used in the feature toggle and detail view

To edit Custom Labels:

  1. Go to Setup > User Interface > Custom Labels.
  2. Sort the listing by selecting the column header. For example, to sort by Name, select the Name column header.
  3. Use the letter and Next Page selectors to find the Label you want.
  4. Select the Custom Label Name to display the Custom Label Detail page.
  5. On the Detail page, in the Translations section select New.

    Sage People displays the New Translation page.

    To use your own value for the English label:

    • In the Language picklist select English.
    • In Translation Text, enter the value you want to use for the Label.

    To provide a translation into another language:

    • In the Language picklist, select the language. The picklist lists all languages available in your org.
    • In Translation Text, enter the translation you want to use for the Label.
  6. Select Save.

Next time you refresh the view using the Custom Label or select the language of the translation your new value is displayed.