Object fields: Library and Scale Languages

Competency object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Area Formula (Text)
Average Percentage Formula (Percentage)
Average Score Number (2,1)
Bar Chart Formula (Text)
Colleague Frequency Text (128)
Colleague Percentage Formula (Percent)
Colleague Score Number (2,1)
Competency Assessment Master-Detail (Competency Assessment)
Competency Library Item Lookup (Competency Library Item)
Customer Frequency Text (128)
Customer Percentage Formula (Percent)
Customer Score Number (2,1)
Direct Report Frequency Text (128)
Direct Report Percentage Formula (Percent)
Direct Report Score Number (2,1)
Job Need Lookup (Job Need)
Manager Comment Long Text Area (32000)
Manager Frequency Text (128)
Manager Percentage Formula (Percent)
Manager Score Number (2,1)
Maximum Score Number (2,0)
Mentor Frequency Text (128)
Mentor Percentage Formula (Percent)
Mentor Score Number (2,1)
Other Frequency Text (128)
Other Percentage Formula (Percent)
Other Score Number (2,1)
Planned Development Long Text Area (32000)
Progress Long Text Area (32000)
Response Frequency Text (128)
Self Comment Long Text Area (32000)
Self Percentage Formula (Percent)
Self Score Number (2,1)
When Text Area (255)


Competency Library Item object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Area Formula (Text)
Description Long Text Area (32000)
Family Text (255)
Level Text (80)
Order Number (18,0)
Picture Text (16)
Picture URL Formula (Text)
Prompt Text (255)


Competency Library Language object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Area Formula (Text)
Competency Library Item Master-Detail (Competency Library Item)
Description Long Text Area (32000)
Locale Picklist
Prompt Text (255)


Indicator object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Average Percentage Formula (Percent)
Average Score Number (2,1)
Bar Chart Formula (Text)
Colleague Frequency Text (128)
Colleague Percentage Formula (Percent)
Colleague Score Number (2,1)
Competency Lookup (Competency)
Competency Assessment Master-Detail (Competency Assessment)
Customer Frequency Text (128)
Customer Percentage Formula (Percent)
Customer Score Number (2,1)
Direct Report Frequency Text (128)
Direct Report Percentage Formula (Percent)
Direct Report Score Number (2,1)
Indicator Library Item Lookup (Indicator Library Item)
Job Need Lookup (Job Need)
Manager Frequency Text (128)
Manager Percentage Formula (Percent)
Manager Score Number (2,1)
Maximum Score Number (2,1)
Mentor Frequency Text (128)
Mentor Percentage Formula (Percent)
Mentor Score Number (2,1)
Other Frequency Text (128)
Other Percentage Formula (Percent)
Other Score Number (2,1)
Response Frequency Text (128)
Self Percentage Formula (Percent)
Self Score Number (2,1)


Indicator Library Item object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Competency Library Item Master-Detail (Competency Library Item)
Description Long Text Area (32000)
Family Text (255)
Order Number (18,0)


* see associated note

Rich Text Area (32000)
Scale Lookup (Scale)



Make sure you use the fHCM2__Prompt_v2__c.Prompt field for Indicator Library Items in your page layouts. This field, with the Rich Text Area field type, replaces the deprecated fHCM2__Prompt__c.Prompt field (Long Text Area field type).


Indicator Library Language object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Description Long Text Area (32000)
Indicator Library Item Master-Detail (Indicator Library Item)
Locale Picklist
Prompt Text (255)
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields.


Scale object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Above Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Below Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Comment Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Development Need Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Format Picklist
Has Comments Checkbox
Has Development Needs Checkbox
Has Strengths Checkbox
Lowest First Checkbox
Maximum Score Roll-Up Summary (MAX Scale Response)
Minimum Score Roll-Up Summary (MIN Scale Response)
NA First Checkbox
Number of Responses Roll-Up Summary (COUNT Scale Response)
Permit No Response Checkbox
Scale Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Self Above Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Self Comment Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Self Development Need Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Self Scale Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Self Strength Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Strength Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields.


Scale object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Above Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Below Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Comment Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Development Need Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Locale Picklist
Scale Master-Detail (Scale)
Scale Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Self Above Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Self Comment Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Self Development Need Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Self Scale Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Self Strength Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Strength Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields.


Scale Response object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Description Long Text Area (32000)
Label Text (255)
Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Response Formula (Text)
Scale Master-Detail (Scale)
Score Number (2,0)
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields.


Scale Response Language object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Description Long Text Area (32000)
Label Text (255)
Locale Picklist
Prompt Long Text Area (32000)
Response Formula (Text)
Scale Lookup (Scale)
Scale Response Master-Detail (Scale Response)
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields.


Skill Library Item object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Active Checkbox
Approver Type Picklist
Area Text (255)
Description Long Text Area (32000)
Minimum Level of Approver Lookup (Scale Response)
Minimum Level of Approver Label Formula (Text)
Minimum Level of Approver Score Formula (Number)
Scale Lookup (Scale)


Skill Library Language object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Area Text (255)
Description Long Text Area (32000)
Locale Picklist
Skill Library Item Master-Detail (Skill Library Item)
Skill Library Language Name Text (80)