Custom Labels in the Time Off dialog

The new descriptive dialog used for booking Time Off uses a number of Custom Labels in addition to Field labels.

Screenshot: Time Off dialog showing provisional end date and supporting file fields

Titles, sections, confirmation messages, and button labels

Custom Label text Custom Label name Where used
New Time Off CustomLabel.fta__Title_New_Absence The dialog title
Supporting file CustomLabel.fta__Supporting_File Label shown above attached files or Choose File button
Choose File CustomLabel.fta__Choose_File Text on the button for attaching a supporting file
Remove CustomLabel.fta__Remove_File Text for the link shown next to an attached file for removing it
Cancel New Time Off CustomLabel.fta__Time_Off_Cancel_New_Absence_Title The title of the dialog after selecting Cancel.
Canceling loses all unsaved changes. Do you want to cancel? CustomLabel.fta__Time_Off_Cancel_New_Absence_Message The message in the dialog after selecting Cancel.
Cancel CustomLabel.fHCM2__Button_Cancel

Cancel button in the New Absence dialog.

This label is not specific to the New Time Off dialog and is used elsewhere in Sage People.

Save CustomLabel.fHCM2__Button_Save

Save button in the New Absence dialog.

This label is not specific to the New Time Off dialog and is used elsewhere in Sage People.

No CustomLabel.fHCM2__Global_No

No button in the confirmation dialog after selecting Cancel.

This label is not specific to the New Time Off dialog and is used elsewhere in Sage People.

Yes CustomLabel.fHCM2__Global_Yes

Yes button in the confirmation dialog after selecting Cancel.

This label is not specific to the New Time Off dialog and is used elsewhere in Sage People.

Time Off information

The labels in this section are used instead of or in addition to Field labels, or provide contextual information for the Time Off request.

Custom Label text Custom Label name Where used
Day CustomLabel.fta__Day After the Duration field when the Time Off unit is day, when the Time Off is within one day.
No CustomLabel.fta__End_Date_Provisional_No The No option for the provisional absence end date question
Is the end date provisional? CustomLabel.fta__End_Date_Provisional_Prompt The leading prompt for the options to indicate if the absence end date is provisional
Yes CustomLabel.fta__End_Date_Provisional_Yes The Yes option for the provisional absence end date question
Days CustomLabel.fHCM2__Global_Days

After the Duration field when the Time Off unit is day, when the Time Off spans multiple days.

This label is not specific to the New Time Off dialog and is used elsewhere in Sage People.

Hours CustomLabel.fHCM2__Global_Hours

After the Duration field when the Time Off unit is hour, when the Time Off spans multiple hours.

This label is not specific to the New Time Off dialog and is used elsewhere in Sage People.

Hour CustomLabel.fta__Hour After the Duration field when the Time Off unit is hour, when the Time Off spans one hour.
Coincides with 1 other CustomLabel.fta__TimeOff_Conflict_Singular Text shown when the Time Off request overlaps at least in part with a colleague's Time Off
Coincides with {0} others CustomLabel.fta__TimeOff_Conflict_Singular Text shown when the Time Off request overlaps at least in part with multiple Time Off requests by colleagues. {0} is completed with the actual number.

Labels in the available balance section

The labels in this section are used in the available balance section:

Screenshot: Expanded available balances section in a Time Off dialog

The labels are listed in the table in the same order they appear in the available balances section. Labels with units exists in day and hour variants, and with a singular and a plural version for the unit.

Custom Label text Custom Label name Where used
{0} day {1} available (after this request) CustomLabel.fta__Available_Balance_Header_Day The header text for the remaining Time Off balance for the selected reason. {0} is the number of days, and {1} the absence reason.
{0} days {1} available (after this request) CustomLabel.fta__Available_Balance_Header_Days The header text for the remaining Time Off balance for the selected reason, for a Time Off request spanning multiple days. {0} is the number of days, and {1} the absence reason.
{0} hour {1} available (after this request) CustomLabel.fta__Available_Balance_Header_Hour The header text for the remaining Time Off balance for the selected reason. {0} is the number of hours, and {1} the absence reason.
{0} hours {1} available (after this request) CustomLabel.fta__Available_Balance_Header_Hours The header text for the remaining Time Off balance for the selected reason, for a Time Off request of multiple hours. {0} is the number of hours, and {1} the absence reason.
This request = {0} day CustomLabel.fta__Available_Balance_Absence_Length_Day Summary of the current request when the Time Off unit is day. {0} is the number of days.
This request = {0} days CustomLabel.fta__Available_Balance_Absence_Length_Days Summary of the current request when the Time Off unit is day and the request spans multiple days. {0} is the number of days.
This request = {0} hour CustomLabel.fta__Available_Balance_Absence_Length_Hour Summary of the current request when the Time Off unit is hour. {0} is the number of hours.
This request = {0} hours CustomLabel.fta__Available_Balance_Absence_Length_Hours Summary of the current request when the Time Off unit is hour and the request is for multiple hours. {0} is the number of hours.
Before this request: CustomLabel.fta__Available_Balance_Before_Request Label for the balance before the current request, followed by the label for the amount.
{0} day Available_Balance_Single_Year_Excluding_Absence_Day With Before this request, when the Time Off unit is day. {0} is the available absence balance before taking the current request into account.
{0} days Available_Balance_Single_Year_Excluding_Absence_Days With Before this request, when the Time Off unit is day and the request spans multiple days. {0} is the available absence balance before taking the current request into account.
{0} hour Available_Balance_Single_Year_Excluding_Absence_Hour With Before this request, when the Time Off unit is hour. {0} is the available absence balance before taking the current request into account.
{0} hours Available_Balance_Single_Year_Excluding_Absence_Hours With Before this request, when the Time Off unit is hour and the request is for multiple hours. {0} is the available absence balance before taking the current request into account.
This request = {0} day CustomLabel.fta__Available_Balance_Absence_Length_Day In the available balance details, when expanded, when Time Off unit is day. {0} is the number of days.
This request = {0} days CustomLabel.fta__Available_Balance_Absence_Length_Days In the available balance details, when expanded, when Time Off unit is day and the Time Off request spans multiple days. {0} is the number of days.
This request = {0} hour CustomLabel.fta__Available_Balance_Absence_Length_Hour In the available balance details, when expanded, when Time Off unit is hour. {0} is the number of hours.
This request = {0} hours CustomLabel.fta__Available_Balance_Absence_Length_Hours In the available balance details, when expanded, when Time Off unit is hour and the Time Off request spans multiple hours. {0} is the number of hours.
After this request: CustomLabel.fta__Available_Balance_After_Request Label for the balance after taking the current request into account, followed by the label for the amount and the last day of availability.
{0} day (available until {1}) CustomLabel.fta__Available_Balance_Single_Year_Day With After this request, when the Time Off Unit is day. {0} is the number of days remaining for the selected reason, and {1} is the last day before the balance reset day.
{0} days (available until {1}) CustomLabel.fta__Available_Balance_Single_Year_Days With After this request, when the Time Off Unit is day and multiple days remain. {0} is the number of days remaining for the selected reason, and {1} is the last day before the balance reset day.
{0} hour {1} available (after this request) CustomLabel.fta__Available_Balance_Single_Year_Hour With After this request when the Time Off Unit is hour. {0} is the number of hours remaining for the selected reason, and {1} is the last day before the balance reset day.
{0} hours {1} available (after this request) CustomLabel.fta__Available_Balance_Single_Year_Hours With After this request when the Time Off Unit is hour and multiple hours remain. {0} is the number of days remaining for the selected reason, and {1} is the last day before the balance reset day.


Validation and error messages

The labels in this section are used in validation and error messages. The following image shows an error message using the Error title and the validation errors before saving default message. Block messages you have defined in your org are shown as error messages.

Screenshot: Error message shown when validation errors require resolving before the Time Off can be saved

Custom Label text Custom Label name Where used
Error CustomLabel.fta__Absence_Dialog_Error_Title The title of an error message shown at the top of the Time Off dialog
Warning CustomLabel.fta__Absence_Dialog_Warning_Title

The title of a warning message shown at the top of the Time Off dialog.

Used for alert messages you have defined in your org, so the body content displays your alert message.

Your file is empty. You cannot attach an empty file. CustomLabel.fta__Empty_File Warning text shown if the file to attach is empty without any content
Your file is too big. It must be less than 4MB. CustomLabel.fta__File_Too_Large Warning text shown if the file to attach is too large
Please resolve the errors on the page before saving, or select Cancel to cancel this request. CustomLabel.fta__Fix_Validation_Errors_Before_Save Shown after selecting Save if there are any unresolved field validation errors.
A duration is required CustomLabel.fta__Validation_Error_Duration_Required Field validation error message shown after selecting Save when the Duration field is empty.
Not a valid duration CustomLabel.fta__Validation_Error_Invalid_Duration Field validation error message shown when the value in the Duration field is not valid.
Not a valid number Custom_Label.fta__Validation_Error_Invalid_Number Field validation error message shown when the value in the Duration field is not a number.