String substitutions in WX Action Emails

Emails related to WX Actions use Custom Labels. Many of these Custom Labels contain one or more parts where a string is automatically substituted to complete the content.

String substitutions in WX Action Emails
Custom Label name Custom Label content Description of substitutions


For {0}

0 is the name of a Team Member


{2} needs to {0} {1} for {3}

  • 0 is an action verb

  • 1 is the object of the action, using a WX Process name

  • 2 is the name of the Team Member who needs to perform the action

  • 3 is the name of a Team Member associated with 1


{2} needs to {0} {1} for you

  • 0 is an action verb

  • 1 is the object of the action, using a WX Process name

  • 2 is the name of the Team Member who needs to perform the action


You need to {0} {1} for {3} on behalf of {2}

  • 0 is an action verb

  • 1 is the object of the action, using a WX Process name

  • 2 is the name of the Team Member on whose behalf you need to perform the action

  • 3 is the name of a Team Member associated with 1


You need to {0} {1} for self on behalf of {2}

  • 0 is an action verb

  • 1 is the object of the action, using a WX Process name

  • 2 is the name of the Team Member on whose behalf you need to perform the action


You need to {0} {1} for {3}


You need to {0} {1} for self

  • 0 is an action verb

  • 1 is the object of the action, using a WX Process name


{2} {0} {1} {4} for {3}

  • 0 is an action verb, in past tense

  • 1 is the object of the action, using a WX Process name

  • 2 is the name of the Team Member who performed the action.

  • 3 is the name of a Team Member associated with 1

  • 4 is a link to 1


You {0} {1} {4} for {3}


You {0} {1} {4} for self

WX Action verbs in present tense

The Custom Label names for these verbs start with CustomLabel.fHCM2__ActionVerb_{verb}

  • Add

  • Add New

  • Add New or Confirm

  • Approve

  • Approve or Edit

  • Approve or Reject

  • Assess

  • Close

  • Complete

  • Confirm

  • Confirm or Edit

  • Edit

  • Follow up

  • Reveal

  • Reveal or Edit

  • Review

  • Score

  • Sign

  • Start

  • Submit

  • Submit or Edit

  • Survey

WX Action verbs in past tense

The Custom Label names for these verbs start with CustomLabel.fHCM2__ProcessVerb_{verb}

  • Activated

  • Added

  • Amended

  • Approved

  • Assessed

  • Closed

  • Completed

  • Confirmed

  • Created

  • Edited

  • Removed

  • Reopened

  • Requested

  • Requested to access

  • Rejected

  • Revealed

  • Reviewed

  • Signed

  • Started

  • Submitted for approval

WX Process names used in Actions

The Custom Label names used for WX Process names in Actions start with CustomLabel.fHCM2__ProcessItem_{WX Process}.

  • Absence

  • Benefit Enrollment

  • Competencies

  • Competency Assessment

  • Dependants

  • Development Need

  • Education

  • Emergency Contact

  • Experience

  • Form

  • Hiring Manager

  • HR Request

  • Internal Communication

  • Job Description

  • Metrics Review

  • Objective

  • Passports

  • Performance Overview

  • Performance Review

  • Personal Details

  • Recognition

  • Skill

  • Stock Options

  • Succession Plan

  • Talent Plan

  • Target

  • Training

  • Timesheet

  • Vacation