Internal Communications | Business Context

Note For full information about Sage People Internal Communications, see Internal Communications | Set up Internal Communications.

Internal Communications enable you to create and display a wide range of messages to Team Members in WX, including:

  • Rich text notices
  • Videos
  • Links to external websites
  • Social feeds
  • HTML

Screenshot: WX homepage showing the internal communications carousel

Some internal communications have actions: you may be required to confirm you have read the information, complete a survey, or provide feedback. Some internal communications are hidden from the carousel when you have read the information.

Screenshot: internal communication tile awaiting actionScreenshot: confirm an internal communication on the detail page

Advantages of using Internal Communication include:

  • Can circulate information globally.

  • Can track who has read notices.

  • Scale responses can be reported on

  • Can reuse notices they post.

Team Member
  • Can easily access available information in WX.
  • Have one single place where they can find employment information.

Sage People adds actions generated by Internal Communications such as ‘scoring’ or ‘read confirmation’ the Actions Digest and they appear in a Team Member’s list of Actions in WX.

You must assign each Internal Communication to one or more WX service. You can create:

  • A dedicated service to carry multiple Internal Communications. For example, a Policies and Documents Service containing the company handbook, health and safety information, expense policy, etc.
  • Internal Communications for specific services. For example, a supporting video for upcoming performance reviews or a text list with bullet points outlining best practice for entering or updating new Objectives assigned to a Performance Management service.

Confirmation response

Confirmation responses enable Team Members to confirm when they have read an Internal Communication.

Sage People includes alerts for any Internal Communications associated with a confirmation or scale response in the Actions section of the menu, under a heading reflecting the WX Service they belong to.

In the following example, both the Employee Handbook and Health and Safety Policy confirmation actions are included in the Policies and Documents service:

Screenshot: WX Policies and Documents