Adding Dimension fields for selection

Each field you want to use as a Dimension for your Surveys must have a corresponding field on the Survey Question Response object. A subset of available fields is pre-configured for immediate selection:

Object Field
Employment Record Basis
Team Member Department
Team Member Manager
Employment Record Salary Band

You can add Custom Fields to support others listed on the Survey Dimensions page.

You can also add your own Custom Fields as Dimensions, provided they are defined as fields on the Team Member or Employment Record objects and with one of the following data types:

  • Date

  • Picklist

  • Lookup

When you have set up your own Custom Fields to be used as Dimensions they are automatically added to the Survey Dimensions page under the Team Member or Employment Record tabs.

To configure fields so they can be selected as Dimensions:

  1. Open the Survey Question Response Definition Detail page:

    • In Salesforce Lightning Experience go to Setup > PLATFORM TOOLS > Objects and Fields > Object Manager

    Find the Survey Question Response object and select the object Label.

  2. On the Custom Object Definition Detail page:

    • In Salesforce Lightning Experience in the left panel select Fields & Relationships

  3. Select New.

  4. On Step 1 of the New Custom Field definition, select the Data Type corresponding to the field you want to add as a Dimension. Map the field data types as follows:

    Team Member or Employment Record field data type Survey Question Response field data type
    Date Text 255 character
    Picklist Picklist
    Lookup Text 255 character
  5. Select Next.

  6. On Step 2 of the New Custom Field definition complete Field Label and Field Name. Other fields displayed are dependent on the Data Type you selected in Step 1.

    Field What to enter
    Field Label

    Must follow the pattern:

    DIM <Target_Field_Label>

    where <Target_Field_Label> is the label - not the API Name - of the field you want to map to this Custom Field on the Survey Question Response object.

    For example:

    DIM Start Date

    Field Name

    Automatically created for you using the Field Label you entered. Spaces in the field name are replaced with underscores.

    If you subsequently edit the Field Label, Field Name is not automatically updated - make sure the Field Name retains the essential DIM starting characters.

  7. Complete all other mandatory fields and any additional fields you want to, such as Description and Help Text.

  8. Select Next.

  9. On Step 3 of the New Custom Field definition check field level security is as you want it for the Fairsail Administrator, Fairsail HR Manager, and Fairsail Platform Team Member Profiles.

  10. Select Next.

  11. On Step 4 of the New Custom Field definition ensure the Add Field checkbox is checked to add the field to the Question Response page layout.

  12. Select Save.

The field is added to the list of Custom Fields & Relationships for the Survey Question Response object. Check the API name is in the correct format:


For example:


If the field maps to your own Custom Field on the Team Member or Employment Record objects it is automatically added to the Survey Dimensions page under the appropriate tab.