Creating a new passport record

  1. Go to the Team Member record.

  2. Select the Passports link at the top of the page, or scroll down to find the Passports related list.

  3. Select New Passport:

    Screenshot: Selecting the New Passport button

    Sage People displays the Passport Edit page.

  4. Complete the fields as follows:

    Field Description
    Team Member The Team Member's name. Automatically completed for you by Sage People.
    Passport Number The full passport number as displayed in the passport.
    Country The country issuing the passport. Select the picklist and select the country.
    Issue Date The date the passport was issued, as displayed in the passport. Select in the field to display a calendar and select the date.
    Place of Issue Where the passport was issued, as displayed in the passport.
    Expiry Date

    When the passport expires. Select the field to display a calendar and select a date.

    The Expiry Date can trigger a reminder when a passport is about to expire.

    First Name

    Middle Name


    As displayed in the passport.
  5. Select:

    • Save to save the details and display the Passport Detail page. You can enter visa details from the Passport Details page.

    • Save & New to save the details and display another Passport Edit page for the same Team Member.

    • Cancel to discard your changes.