Set policy options for objective lifecycle


Sage People has two different types of objectives for performance management processes: Objectives and Enhanced Objectives. If you are not sure which objectives your organization uses, check out this comparison.

Role: HR Administrator

Policy options on the Performance Management tab of the Policy page enable you to add a confirmation and approval stage to enhanced objective lifecycle, and give managers the option for creating objectives for team members without the confirmation stage.

Policy option Description
Confirm Before Activating

Checkbox. Select to add a confirmation and approval stage to the objective lifecycle. When selected, on reveal objectives created by the manager are passed to the team member for confirmation, and objectives created by the team member are passed to the manager for approval. Objectives become active only after confirmation or approval.

When not selected, objectives created by the team member and manager become active on reveal.

Skip Team Member Confirmation Checkbox. Select to give managers the option to skip the team member confirmation stage for objectives created by the manager. Enabling this option also requires Confirm Before Activating to be selected.


The policy options have no impact on managers creating the same objective for multiple team members in one action.