Adding and removing Enhanced Objective fields


Sage People has two different types of objectives for performance management processes: Objectives and Enhanced Objectives. If you are not sure which objectives your organization uses, check out this comparison.

Role: HR Administrator

You can customize the Enhanced Objective fields shown to Team Members and managers in your organization. You can add your custom fields and hide default fields with two Field Sets:

  • Additional Fields

    Fields you want to add to the objective. The fields you add are displayed below the default objective fields.

  • Hidden Fields

    Default fields you do not want to display in objectives.

Enhanced Objectives currently support the following Data Types:

  • Checkbox

  • Email

  • Date

  • Number

  • Picklist

  • Roll-up Summary

  • Text

  • Textarea

  • Textarea (long)

  • URL


    The contents of a field with the URL data type displays as a hyperlink in the HR Manager portal, but as text to Team Members and managers in the Performance Management app.