
Recognition—also known as Shout Outs, Badging, Crowdsourced Performance Review—enables you to use social performance management across your organization, giving all Team Members the ability to give visible and immediate positive feedback awards to others.

Awards are given by you to another Team Member, in recognition of a particular achievement, task well done, outstanding contribution to a team effort, and so on. You cannot use Recognition to award yourself.

To view your latest Recognition award:

In the WX menu, select the Service hosting the Recognition Process. In the example, Recognition is labeled Shout Outs:

Screenshot: Selecting the service hosting Recognition from the WX menu

WX displays the Recognition page:

Screenshot: Recognition Detail view

To display full detail on an award:

Select View Details:

Screenshot: View Details link for a Recognition award

WX displays the detail for the Recognition award you selected:

Screenshot: Details view for a Recognition award