Bank Details

Sage People enables you to record multiple bank accounts for a single Team Member and specify how payroll payments are to be split between them. You can allocate payments by percentage or value, setting a priority order to be followed. You can define a single remainder account to receive any remaining balance after all other accounts have received their allocation.

Note Your organization can control which details you can view and edit in the self-service portal. If you need to update details that you are unable to change in the portal, contact your HR team.

To display bank account details:

In the menu, select the Bank Details process:

Screenshot: finding bank details in the navigation menu

WX displays the Bank Details page:

Screenshot: Detail view for the Bank Details process, showing three bank accounts

You can:

  • Display all details for an account:

    Select the Account Name:

    Screenshot: Selecting a bank account from the list

    WX displays the stored Account Details for the account:

    Screenshot: Detail view for a bank account

  • Edit details for an account.

    Select Edit on the Account Details view, or select the Actions drop down for the account, then select Edit:

    Screenshot: Actions drop down for a bank account

  • Deactivate an account.

    Select the Actions drop down for the account, then select Deactivate.

  • Delete an account.

    Select Delete on the Account Details view, or select the Actions drop down for the account, then select Delete.

  • Change the priority used to allocate funds to your accounts.

    Select Prioritize

    Screenshot: Prioritize and New buttons for bank accounts

  • Add a new account.

    Select New