Prioritizing fund allocation to bank accounts

If you have more than one bank account defined you can specify the order used to allocate funds. By default funds are allocated to the accounts in the order you added the account details to WX except for the remainder account, if you have defined one. Funds are always allocated to the remainder account last.

Priority order is displayed on the Bank Details detail view:

Screenshot: Priority column highlighted on the Bank Details page

To define the order to allocate funds:

  1. In the menu, select the Bank Details process:

    Screenshot: finding bank details in the navigation menu

    WX displays the Bank Details page:

    Screenshot: Bank Details process detail view showing three bank accounts

  2. Select Prioritize.

    WX displays the Bank Details Define Priority view:

    Screenshot: Define priority screen for bank account fund allocation

  3. Select an account to activate the up and down buttons:

    Screenshot: Selecting an account to prioritize it

    ...then use the up or down button to move the account in the list and change the priority order:

  4. Select:

    • Save & Close to save your changes. WX displays the Bank Details detail view with the priority order changed:

      Screenshot: Bank details view after changing priorities

    • Cancel to discard your changes. WX displays the Bank Details detail view with the priority order unchanged.