Reviewing your active Targets

As a Team Member you can review and add comments to Targets that have been assigned to you and activated. You cannot edit the details.

  1. In the menu, select the Targets process:

    Screenshot: Selecting the Targets process

    WX displays the Targets page, with the Draft tab selected by default.

  2. Select the Active tab:

    Screenshot: Selecting the Active Targets tab

  3. For the Target you want to review, select Review:

    Screenshot: Review button for an active Target

    WX displays the Review Target view:

    Screenshot: Review Target view

    You can enter comments in the Review of Progress section, New Team Member Comments.

    The most recently entered previous comments are displayed under Last Team Member Comments:

    Screenshot: Most recent Team Member comments for a Target

  4. Select Save.

    The Target remains in Active status.