Viewing a Feedback request about you

Role: Team Member

You can view a Feedback request about you if you sent the request yourself, or if your manager chose to make it visible to you when they created it.

To view a Feedback request about you: 

  1. From Feedback about me section, select the request you want to view:

    Screenshot: Selecting a Feedback request about yourself from the list

    Sage People displays the details and the current status of the Feedback request:

    Screenshot: Details of an Feedback request in progress

    The details include: 

    • Status of the request: In progress or Complete

    • Created date and Final response date for the request

    • People requested to provide Feedback

    • People who have responded to the request

    • Watchers of the request. Depending on who created the request, this includes:

      • Team Member, if they created the request themselves, or if the manager made a request visible to them.

      • Team Member's Manager

      • Team Member's cross reporting managers

    • Questions and responses. By default, the responses to the first question in the request are displayed.

  2. Select a question to view responses to that question.