Skills search

You can use WX to search for holders of a specific skill or for a set of skills matching a skills profile. To use Skill search:

  1. In the menu, select Skills Search:

    Screenshot: Selecting Search from the WX menu

    WX displays the Search page:

    Screenshot: Skill search

  2. Use the Area and Skill picklists to build the skills profile you want to search for:

    • Select Area to display the list of top level skill classifications available in your org, then choose the skill area you want to add to the Skill Profile.

      Screenshot: Area picklist in Skill search

    • Select Skill to display the list of available skills within the Area you selected, then choose the Skill you want to add to the Skill Profile:

      Screenshot: Skill picklist in Skill search

    WX displays the Area and Skill:

    Screenshot: Selected Area and Skill for a Skill search

  3. Select Add to add this Skill to the Skill Profile and to execute the initial search.

    Results are returned immediately below the Skill Profile specification, showing all Team Members who hold the skill, with those holding the highest score at the top of the list:

    Screenshot: Skill search results

    If you have permission to view Team Member's skills across your organization, including those held by your manager and colleagues, Team Members with the skills you are looking for are categorized as follows:

    • Manager and All Below
    • Immediate Team and Colleagues
    • Cross-Company

      Individuals can be included in more than one category.

      Select the tabs to view each category.

  4. Repeat the steps to add other skills to the Skills Profile and refine your search.

    Each time you select Add, the new Skill is added to the Profile and the search executed.

    The search results table is coded to represent each skill with a different color.

    Total scores are the sums of the scores awarded to a team member for the level they hold for each skill. Scores are controlled by the scale rating associated with the skill; higher skill levels earn higher scores.

    Team Members with the highest total scores are displayed at the top of the list.

    Screenshot: Skill search with multiple Skills

    • To remove unwanted skills from the Skills Profile, select Delete:

      Screenshot: Delete button next to a Skill in Skill search

      WX removes the skill from the profile, repeats the skill search, and displays the amended results.

    • Hover over a skill bar to display more detail:

      Screenshot: Hovering over a Skill bar to see more details

    • Select a Team Member to display the Skills Detail view for that person:

      Screenshot: Selecting a Team Member to view their Skill profile

      Screenshot: Skill profile for a Team Member

    To disable the Skills process and hide the Skills Search in WX, disable the Skills policy option for your users.